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The Lichterman Nature Center (LNC) is a 65-acre park located in the heart of East Memphis, Tennessee. Suspended in time and surrounded by tall trees and lush vegetation, a wide array of outdoor activities and educational opportunities can be found at this nature escape. Whether you’re looking to go on a leisurely stroll, have a barbecue, or just enjoy the fresh air, LNC has something for everyone. Visit this link for more information.

Opened in 1969 and owned by the City of Memphis, the Lichterman Nature Center houses several unique exhibits, all designed to teach the public about the value of environmental conservation. The center’s core mission is to promote environmental responsibility and provide meaningful outdoor experiences for visitors of all ages. Every year, thousands of individuals visit the park, and some of the exciting attractions you can find include an animal sanctuary, a floating boardwalk, and the Mind Well–a 2,200-square-foot center meant to foster healthier minds, bodies, and spirits. Entering the park, visitors will find themselves surrounded by a variety of habitats, from woodlands to orchards, ponds, and even an open-air butterfly house. The park also offers interactive scavenger hunts to help children learn about the natural environment as they explore the park. All of these features lend a unique and exciting atmosphere to the park, making it the perfect place to get outside and have a little fun. Read about Shelby Farms Park in Memphis, TN here.