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Memphis Islamic Center (MIC) in Cordova, TN, is a growing source of Muslim activity, education and community in the area. It is a focal point of Islamic culture and learning and provides vital services to the local Muslim community. The Center is comprised of an impressive array of programs, services, and activities that are designed to meet the needs of the community and foster cultural appreciation. Find further facts here.

MIC opened its doors in 1993 with the goal of providing a place for the Muslim community to come together and share their beliefs and culture. The Center quickly grew into an organization that served people from all walks of life, from all over the world, and from all faiths. From its inception, MIC has strived to meet the diverse needs of its members and visitors, providing services and programs that encompass the Islamic faith, culture, and lifestyle. Services for students, youth, families, business and interfaith groups, as well as a host of activities, have helped create an inclusive environment for the community to come together. The Memphis Islamic Center offers weekly lectures and activities that range from Arabic and Quranic recitations to educational seminars and lectures. These events are often free of charge and aim to further promote Islamic values and ethics in the community. Learn more about Memphis Botanic Garden in Memphis, TN.