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Tucked away along the banks of the Wolf River, north of bustling Memphis, lies the Wolf River Nature Area in Cordova, Tennessee. A tranquil paradise of serene waters, lush greenery, and a plethora of wildlife, the Wolf River Nature Area offers something for everyone. The Wolf River Nature Area is a secluded 2500-acre sanctuary where visitors can enjoy activities such as canoeing, fishing, bird watching, and hiking. With eight different trails of varying difficulty and an observation deck overlooking the Wolf River, there is something for every outdoor enthusiast. Hikers also have the opportunity to experience the area’s natural beauty, as the area is home to a variety of native trees and plants, including cypress, cottonwood, and wildflower. Cordova, TN can be seen here. 

Fishing enthusiasts also enjoy the Wolf River Nature Area, as there are a variety of native species to catch. Anglers can expect to catch smallmouth and largemouth bass, catfish, crappie, and many other species of fish. Of course, the area is also a popular spot for canoeing and kayaking, as the Wolf River is a peaceful and tranquil waterway, providing an excellent opportunity to take in the area’s beauty while peacefully paddling along. Bird watchers have the opportunity to view a variety of native birds, such as the Red-shouldered Hawk, the Mississippi Kite, and the Neck-crested Grebe. The area is also home to a variety of other animals, including beavers, river otters, and several different endangered species, including the Eastern Fox Squirrel. Click here to read about An Introduction to Nashoba Park: Exploring Nature in Cordova TN.